最后一集金句频出这强烈的共鸣感证明我是中年人了吗…… Contentment breeds quiet, which breeds complacency, which breeds unrest. Her marriage was a witness to all of her other failures, like a comorbidity to how she was just getting old. Her marriage is not perfect, but it's not like her being not married is ever gonna make her young again. Nothing could make her unmake the choices that she made. She just didn't know that when she was making the choices that they were gonna limit her other choices that she could make in the future. How can you live when you used to have unlimited choices and you don't have them anymore?
典型的中国式结局十恶不赦的坏人和违法的好人都受到了应有的惩罚…… 在揭露背后真相的同时也还原了一个坏的原生家庭可以对一代人甚至几代人的人生有多大影响从钟洁到美宝姐弟秘密教学100话恩爱久等了土豪秋没有一个人逃过…… 这个社会可以把PUA研究得那么透彻却很少有人去学习如何为人父母来避免类似的悲剧……