John Steinbeck // A fellow ain't got a soul of his own, just little piece of a big soul, the one big soul that belongs to everybody...I'll be all around in the dark - I'll be everywhere. // A man lives sorta - well, in jerks. Baby's born or somebody dies, and that's a jerk. With a woman, it's all in one flow, like a stream - little eddies and waterfalls - but the river, it goes right on. // Human being wouldn't live the way they do. Human being couldn't stand to be so miserable. // They're workin' away our spirits, tryin' to make us cringe and crawl, takin' away our decency.
昨晚睡前无意中选了《我们结婚了20101218》来看看完却萦绕脑海今天看到这篇影评为nick感到安慰:脆弱美丽的人到死都是被照顾的那一个背负悔恨和无力感生活下去的是强者…… “死亡在此处固然是一场触目惊心的爆发对于nick来说却反而是最好的结局从此他将不带任何阴霾再无须为各种折磨而留下累累伤痕反而从来不与他人分享内心的mike将注定背上那种沉痛生活一辈子”